Our Data
- Our information on Australian Businesses comes from the Australian Business Register. It includes details on all registered Australian Business Names and basic information around them.
- The information in the register is public and open, and many websites, publishers and other organisations use this information. If you have concerns around the accuracy or privacy of your information in this database you should amend or remove your details with the Australian Business Register. Our site must be an accurate reflection of the public register, so we cannot change, remove or hide information that is in the ABN register.
- It is possible that occasionally our data will not be up to date with the register. If there is any information that is not up to date, you can notify us by providing a link to the page (for example: http://www.auscompanies.com/en/45069008797/FOXTEL-CABLE-TELEVISION-PTY). We will then either try and update the records, or can make sure it does not appear in any search. However, if you do not provide a link to the page that needs updating, we regret that we will not able to help. There are over 10 million businesses in Australia, many of which have very similar names, and it is usually not possible to identify exactly which business you wish to update unless we know the page.
- We do not normally respond to mails seeking to update data. However - providing the request is clear and shows us the specific page that needs changing we will aim to make changes within 5 business days.