The trustee for Jimaree Superannuation Fund - SA AUSTRALIA

The trustee for Jimaree Superannuation Fund - SA AUSTRALIA


Business Information

The trustee for Jimaree Superannuation Fund was a Commonwealth Government Non-Regulated Super Fund based in or near Cootra, Koongawa & Warramboo in South Australia, Australia. The trustee for Jimaree Superannuation Fund has been registered with the Australian Business Number (ABN) of: 11876927658.
This business cancelled its ABN on 20th March 2007 - 17 years ago. This person or business trades under the name: Jimaree Superannuation Fund.
This business is not currently registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST).
The trustee for Jimaree Superannuation Fund last updated Australian Business Name information on 23rd September 2012.
