Woorabinda Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Social & Emotional Wellbeing & Health - WOORABINDA QLD AUSTRALIA

Woorabinda Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Social & Emotional Wellbeing & Health - WOORABINDA QLD AUSTRALIA


Business Information

Woorabinda Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Social & Emotional Wellbeing & Health is a Other Incorporated Entity based in Woorabinda in Queensland, Australia. Woorabinda Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Social & Emotional Wellbeing & Health has been registered with the Australian Business Number (ABN) of: 35183707485.
This business was first added to the ABN register on 31st March 2017 and has been trading for 7 years. This person or business trades under the name: YOONTHALLA SERVICES WOORABINDA.
This business has been registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST) since 1st January 2019.
Woorabinda Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Social & Emotional Wellbeing & Health last updated Australian Business Name information on 14th June 2023.
