The Trustee for Pantapin Plains Farming Trust - PANTAPIN WA AUSTRALIA

The Trustee for Pantapin Plains Farming Trust - PANTAPIN WA AUSTRALIA


Business Information

The Trustee for Pantapin Plains Farming Trust is a Discretionary Trading Trust based in Pantapin in Western Australia, Australia. The Trustee for Pantapin Plains Farming Trust has been registered with the Australian Business Number (ABN) of: 46742064554.
This business was first added to the ABN register on 1st October 2020 and has been trading for 4 years. This person or business trades under the name: Pantapin Plains.
This business has been registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST) since 1st October 2020.
The Trustee for Pantapin Plains Farming Trust last updated Australian Business Name information on 20th June 2024.
